Tuesday 3 December 2013

Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) Manufacturers in Bangalore, India

Completely Automated hybrid inverter suitable for most provincial apparatuses and lighting. It can take power enter from both solar and air conditioning mains and furnishes immaculate sine-wave yield to the burdens.

Does not create any chafing murmur with inductive loads like fans, tube-light, Tv and so on., Depending on the accessibility of solar vigor, it immediately distributes necessity to solar information. Vigor rolling in from the solar boards is coordinated to the burden through the inverter and surplus is saved in the electric storage device. It takes vigor from the air conditioner mains supply just when the archived solar vigor is debilitated. It has a grid charger which upholds least hold vigor in the electric cell for crisis circumstance like grid disappointment and no solar.


 Technical Specification


 The Sh arrangement is a propelled Tru Solar high effectiveness Solar Power Conditioning Unit (Pcu) which offers exceptionally novel and capable characteristics.

The Load is immediately controlled either from the inverter or the Grid hinging upon the accessibility of sun powered vigor and status of the electric cell. Additionally, the framework charger or the sun powered charger goes ahead hinging upon the electric storage device charge status and the accessibility of sun based vigor (See outline). Sun powered charger dependably takes necessity over matrix charger. These influential make this a Tru Solar Pcu.

The yield is greatly managed and stable unadulterated sine wave which could be utilized for any sort of delicate and costly electronic equipment's. It can run household stacks like Incandescent globules, Cfl lights, Fluorescent lights, Halogen Lamps, Fans, blenders, blenders, sustenance processors, Tv, music framework, Dvd player, Personal machine etc.

General Details


Contact :
Quantum Power Conversions (P) Ltd,
B37/2,B37/3 ITI Industrial Estate,  Mahadevapura PO,
Bangalore- 560048, India

1 comment:

  1. immediately distributes necessity to solar information. Vigor rolling in from the solar boards Solar Panel Cost
